Going On in April?
April 1- April Fools Day
April 5- Jena Jensen’s Birthday
April 7- Field trip to the Omaha Henrly Doorly Zoo
April 10- Habitat houses are due for Social Studies
April 15- 19 Spring Break & Happy Easter
April 24 – Parent – Teacher Conferences
April 29- Brain Bowl
What Ever Shall We Do?
We are in
need of volunteers to help escorted the 3rd grade classes to
the Henrly Doorly Zoo on April 7. We
will leave the school at approximately 8:30 and be returning at 3:00.
Lunch will be brown bagged and snacks will be provided on the bus
ride back to school. This field trip will introduce the 3rd
graders to a new unit on Underwater life.
We would love to have any volunteers go with us.
It is great opportunity to get involved in your child’s
education in a fun way.